Meet Bruce...

Bruce Wilson is a Mind Mentor and author.

He works with business owners, coaches, and individuals to transform self-doubt into self-belief.  His combination of personal and professional development makes this break-through process a unique and powerful experience.

He’s the guy who mentors you to energise your life by breaking through invisible glass ceilings set by hidden and out-of-date beliefs. Bruce uses specialised coaching techniques that firstly identifies and then digs deep into disempowering mindsets. This allows his clients  to access their true potential and to re-engage with what makes them passionate.

Many clients have said “I didn’t know exactly what I needed help with, I just knew I wasn’t happy”.  This level of awareness is the perfect starting point to find answers.

Bruce had a former life as a bee-keeper and learned much from how nature has its own rules for staying happy and productive.  His passion is motor-cycling and sharing wisdom.  You can get in touch with Bruce below or get a copy of his book by clicking here.